Lab-grown diamonds have taken the jewelry world by storm as Earth-friendly and innovative options for contemporary jewelry pieces. In this article, we dive further into the promising future of lab-grown diamonds, focusing on cutting-edge advancements, innovation, and environmentally mindful trends.
When thinking about what jewelry to get, or learning about the various aspects of jewelry, it’s always helpful to know some of the terminologies...we have a few of the most useful/practical terms to know related to jewelry and jewelry making.
Jewelry designers around the world continue to make new strides in the realms of the best sustainable practices. As a community that consists of creators, designers, and entrepreneurs that are paving the way for sustainable elegance, we've picked a few that belong in your jewelry box.
In the past couple of years, a new type of lab-grown diamond has appeared on the market. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to know about lab-grown diamond jewelry before you buy one for yourself or someone special.
You’ve narrowed down your choice to two gorgeous band designs. Both feature a sparkling lab-grown diamond as its focal point. But which one will best suit you? This article will explain everything you need to know about carat weight.
When you think of lab-grown diamond jewelry, the first things that come to mind are clarity, cut, color, and carat weight. These four characteristics also represent the most important elements to consider when purchasing a lab-grown diamond. The cut, in particular, has the ability to draw light inside so we can see those sparkles.
Lab-grown diamonds can come in a wide spectrum of colors from white to yellow, or even blue. And each variation represents a different level of desirability among buyers. With that in mind, here is a breakdown of what exactly makes up their colors.
Anyone who has ever purchased a ring knows that clarity is one of the main characteristics to look for. The clearer lab-grown diamond is, the higher its value. This makes clarity an important factor during the purchase journey.